Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pity the Sorrows of the old man

This piece marvelously painted by Gericault during the movement of Romanticism in the 1820s is differently expressed in terms of texture and color. Compare to other Ronamticism artists Gericault is a genious because he was able to show and bring emotions to the audience in this piece with the absent of colr. In this piece, the subject is the wealthy old man depressingly sitting in the street with his dog.
This painting shows a connection to the twenty century by proving that no matter how wealthy someone is during any period in history, money sometimes can't bring happiness to people. Gericault proved this by illustrated a well dressed wealthy man sitting on a street in a neighborhood that isn't so rich. This is an irony because a rich man depressingly sitting in a poor neighborhood. This is symbolically similar to rich people in the 21st century who feel lonely after they work their whole life and in the end these people are the only ones left alive when their family all passed away.

1 comment:

ainouye said...

It's pity the sorrow of a poor old man..