Friday, September 26, 2008

Raft of Medusa

One of the most famous piece by Theodore Gericault, a French Romanticism painter; the Raft of Medusa was a popular icon for the Romanticism Art. It shows both, the importance and the concept of Romanticisn which was the break through of Neoclassical Art. This magnificent piece painted by Gericault was telling an adventure of the crews on a French warship that was struck into the Bank of Aguin in 1816. There were 150 people on board and only about ten survived. It was told that the people survived consumed the corpses of the dead in order to survive.
This painting by Gericault was published in 1819, three years after the tragic event. Gericault wanted to paint this piece to shows and publicly remind people of the horrific event that happened to the crew members of warship Medusa. People in the 21st century are able to get news and can see the events through media or the internet. However, back then people were only able to get the news through storytellers, because of this, The Raft of Medusa was the piece of art that portrayed the tragic event to the crew members on the ship to public.

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