Friday, September 19, 2008

Napoleon Crossing the Alps

This piece of art, painted by Jacques Louis David shows one of France's most popular ruler during the 18th century. Unlike the Baroque or Rococo period of art, this piece was painted with the ruler of France looking at the viewers. This was the time during the France Revolution and everyone in Europe was questioning the authority about the purposes of life using the idea of the philosophers during the Enlightenment period. This painting was painted as a Neoclassical piece, but it also has another important purpose it it; the other purpose was to use it as a propaganda to shows the might of France ruler and to illustrate to the world the powerful France.
Many leaders show their power through propaganda and media. Adolf Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini all of these three fascist leaders were able to put the feeling of fear to its people through propaganda and media. It's sadly to see the world today still has the same problem, terrorism, and dictators around the world are still able to threaten people through media just like the painting of Napoleon. He was able to hide the fact that he rode a weak donkey across the alps and changed it to become a strong horse.

1 comment:

cinapoli said...

Binh~ yes, quite true ...even in teh 21st century this is still very much a reality in many worlds...